SAE J1455 Standard Now Offered at Micom Laboratories
Micom laboratories is proud to announce that it now offers the SAE J1455 standard as part of its corrosion testing and material testing services. This method provides guidelines which facilitate the conception of electronic systems and components of heavy-duty vehicles. In fact, this test protocol defines in what manner specific environmental parameters can influence the performance of the sample and it also recommends practices that evaluate particular attributes as a means to ascertain the compliance of the design to the environmental specifications target.
SAE J1455 test
The goal of SAE J1455 is to guide the designer in the conception of electronic equipment of heavy-duty vehicles by providing guidelines which can be used to validate the achievement of the environment design targets of the sample. In fact, this practice indicates the standards that are appropriate to use to appraise the performance of the specimen towards a particular environmental parameter and it also describes in what manner that specific attribute influences the performance of the electronic systems and components. More specifically, the referred methods simulate severe environmental conditions as a means to verify if the design of the specimen complies with the environmental objectives. Lastly, it is important to state that the use of this standard does not substitute the necessity of operation tests, because they are still required to assess the actual performance of the electronic equipment onto the field.
Micom offers polymer testing services for a wide selection of material and products as well as many more SAE Testing services. For more information about the SAE J1455 test, we invite you to contact our material testing laboratory today. It will be our pleasure to answer your questions about either of those tests.
Micom Laboratories is a third party industrial material testing laboratory accredited by A2LA, CGSB, ISTA and many other organizations.
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