« Association canvas » BIFMA X5.5
BIFMA a récemment procédé à la révision de son standard ANSI/BIFMA X5.5 et a procédé à son « association canvas » basé sur la version publiée en février 2020. La version courante du standard date de 2014. Nous avons préparé pour vous une comparaison essai-par-essai pour les différentes sections du standard. Certaines des nouvelles exigences sont en fait des harmonisations avec la version courante de BIFMA X5.9
ANSI/BIFMA X5.5 vs « association canvas » comparaison essai-par-essai
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Section Title | Comparison | Conclusion |
– | Title | Title is now “Desk/Table Products” instead of “Desk/Table Products – Tests” | No impact |
1 | Scope | Scope now includes retail spaces, restaurants, and cafeterias. | No retesting required:
All products tested are still valid |
2.6.2 | clear height | Clear space for units with a bottom reduced from 18 inches to 12 inches. Calculated load based on clear space will be reduced. | No retesting required:
18″ high units hold more weight than 12″ high units |
2.20 | folding leg table | Added definition for “folding leg tables” | No impact |
2.39 | Obstruction Response | Added definition for “Obstruction Response” | No impact |
2.50.4 | keyboard/laptop table | Depth limitation of 18 inch removed | May require retesting:
Units with depths >18 inch may need to be reclassified |
3.1.4 | Testing Considerations | Manufacturer’s accessories included in worst-case product condition | May require retesting:
If manufacturer’s accessories were not previously included in worst-case designs |
3.3.2 | Foot Clearance for Height Adjustable Tables | New requirement to have no less than 4.5 inches of clearance beneath a product suspended from a vertically user-adjustable surface. | May require retesting:
If clearance is <4.5 inch |
3.6 | Tolerances | Added requirement for calibration of devices used to measure test parameters | May require retesting:
If your lab’s calibration is not as stringent as new requirements |
3.10 | Temperature and Humidity Considerations | Added that sample should be stored in ambient conditions for at least 24 hours before testing. Conditions should be maintained between 15 to 27°C and 10-70% RH and if outside these limits they should be recorded | No retesting required:
New limitations are suggestions |
Table 1 | Test Loads | Now all tables ≤45 inch in length require distributed loads | May require retesting:
Tables ≤45 inch in length will require retesting |
Table 2 | Loading Guide | Loading Guide Added | No impact |
4 | Stability Tests | -Added that user-activated stability devices shall not be employed.
-Units are tested with doors closed unless otherwise specified or necessary to be opened for extendible elements. |
May require retesting:
If in the past tests were performed with stability devices employed and doors opened |
4.3 | Stability Under Vertical Load Tests | Test no longer applicable to units less than 17.7 inch in height | No retesting required:
Scope of applicable units reduced |
4.3.2 | Stability Under Vertical Load – Test Procedure | Additional stability test with a 75 lb static load to be performed. | Retest required:
Additional stability test to be performed |
5.2 | Concentrated functional load test | Test now applicable to fixed height tables >38 inch (half load) and adjustable tables that can be adjusted to >38 inch (set to 38 inch max). | May require retesting:
Tables >38 inch high will need to be retested |
5.4.3 | Concentrated Proof Load Test – Acceptance Level | Now allows a gradual loss of height for height adjustable surfaces | No retesting required:
New acceptance criteria are more forgiving |
5.5.3 | Distributed Proof Load Test – Acceptance Level | Now allows a gradual loss of height for height adjustable surfaces | No retesting required:
New acceptance criteria are more forgiving |
6.4 | Top Load Ease Cycle Test – Acceptance Level | Now allows a gradual loss of height for height adjustable surfaces | No retesting required:
New acceptance criteria are more forgiving |
8.3 | Leg Strength Test Alternate | New alternative method for performing leg strength test for units that could not be tested as per the traditional method (ex: scissor-type legs) | May require retesting:
If leg strength test was not previously performed due to limitations in the method. |
9 | Separation Tests for Tall Desk/Table Products | New limitation: test does not apply to privacy screens weighing less than 1 lb/ft2 and total weight exceeding 20 lbs. | No retesting required:
New limitations are more conservative |
9.3 | Separation Tests for Tall Desk/Table Products – Test Procedure | Additional limitations on the number of impacts for privacy screens <3 inch thick, components <24 inches wide, and component surfaces inset more than 12 in from support surface base-unit edge. | No retesting required:
New limitations are more conservative |
10 | Extendible Element Cycle Test | Tests no longer apply to extendible elements with functional load capacity of less than 15.4 lbs. | No retesting required:
New limitations are more conservative |
11.3 | Extendible Element Retention Impact and Durability (Out Stop) Tests – Test Procedure | Reset interval for compensation of ball-bearing cage creep now ≥500 cycles instead of ≥250 cycles. | May require retesting:
Extendible elements with ball bearing slides need to be retested if reset for creep |
14.3.3 | Force Test for Door Locks – Test Procedure | Force test now done loaded AND unloaded. | Retest required:
Additional force test now performed on locks |
15 | Work Surface Vertical Adjustment Test | Test no longer applicable to laptop tables | Retest required:
Method extensively revised |
15.2.1 | Work Surface Vertical Adjustment Test – Test Setup for Motor-Driven or Crank-Driven Surfaces | -Largest space-divider or privacy screen shall be attached to table during test.
-User adjustable obstruction response sensors now may be set at lowest sensitivity. -Functional load now applied to any storage elements. -New load and load distribution requirement. -Duty cycle requirement modified to 1 half-cycle on and then off for the time it takes to run 9 half-cycles. Was: 3 cycles on then off for the time it takes to run 15 cycles -Added: Motor-driven mechanisms that are software-controlled or have other control mechanisms to prevent damage during typical use shall not be disabled. Optional field installable sensors for added sensitivity shall not be installed during testing. |
15.2.2 | Work Surface Vertical Adjustment Test – Test Setup for Counterbalanced Surfaces | All applicable changes to 15.2.1 also apply. | |
15.3.1 | Work Surface Vertical Adjustment Test – Test Procedure for Motor-Driven, Crank-Driven, or Counterbalanced Surfaces | -Test procedure now applicable to counterbalanced surfaces as well (15.3.2 deleted).
-Test height intervals modified (no longer quartiles) -Total # of cycles increased from 4000 to 5010. -Frequency of recalibration routines changed from ≥1000 cycles to ≥500 cycles -If unit shuts down within any 500 cycle interval, it may be recalibrated/reset. |
15.4 | Work Surface Vertical Adjustment Test – Acceptance Level | Added requirement for motor driven units that if shutdowns occur more than 3 times within 500 cycles, this is considered a loss of serviceability. Double button pushes are not considered false interruptions; however no more than 25 double pushes shall be allowed in any given 500 cycle interval. | |
18.2 | Durability Test for Desks and Tables with Casters – Test Setup | -Now specified that rectangular units are to be cycled along their length.
-Cycling device may be lowered to prevent tipping. -Cycling rate changed to 10 +2/-6 cpm. -Tilt top tables now to be cycled half way stowed and half way open. |
May require retesting:
If unit was not cycled along its length and if tilt top tables not cycled as per new requirements |
19.2 | Pull Force Test – Test Setup | Permissible to support horizontal receding doors during the break-in period. | No retest required:
Additional instructions are suggestions, not requirements. |
23 | Monitor Arm Cycle Test – Cycle Test Rotation Movement at Arm-to-Monitor | Added rotation of monitor to arm joint (Figure 23e). | May require retesting:
If monitor to arm joint rotates and was not previously tested. |
25 | Unattached Table Top Retention Test | New test | May require retesting:
If unit had an unattached top |
Appendix A | Impact Test Bag Construction | Sand removed as possible fill media. | May require retesting:
If your lab uses sand in their impact bags |
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