Material Testing Services
Material testing services offered at Micom Laboratories. We specialize and offer routine and custom material testing services for a wide range of materials and products. Whether it is for temperature and humidity cycling, ultraviolet exposure, surface finishes, packaging testing or mechanical properties, our material testing experts will be happy to help you put together a meaningful test plan that will address your needs and give you real answers. With years of specialized technology testing expertise, in-depth experience and absolute commitment to customer care, our team of experts does more than simply test your products. Micom Laboratories strives to deliver material testing services of outstanding value to our diverse customer base.
Whether it is for temperature and humidity cycling, ultraviolet exposure, surface finishes, packaging testing or mechanical properties, our material testing experts will be happy to help you put together a meaningful test plan that will address your needs and give you real answers. With years of specialized technology testing expertise, in-depth experience and absolute commitment to customer care, our team of experts does more than simply test your products. Micom Laboratories Inc. strives to deliver material testing services of outstanding value to our diverse customer base.

Specific Material Testing Services
Micom offers a wide variety of mechanical and physico-chemical material testing according to various standards (ASTM, BIFMA, CGSB, ISTA, ISO, MIL-STD, ANSI, CSA, Bombardier & others). Our specialists can also provide you with custom testing services focused on your specific needs.
Our facilities are also equipped to test prototypes, simulate intensive use of products and materials either to validate your design or investigate a field failure. Our quality control system complies with ISO 17025.

Browsing This
Our website was designed to facilitate browsing the services we offer. Our goal is to provide you with a good description of the test services we offer, so that you better understand what we do and what each test entails. As such you can search our services by industry type, test type or standard type and you can also do a general search using the “Search” link in the top navigation menu. Despite all the efforts we invested in creating a website easy to navigate where the information is easy to be found, you may have not found the information you need. Should this be the case, please feel free to contact us. Our staff will be very happy to answer all your questions.
We specialize and offer routine and custom material testing services for a wide range of materials and products.
We specialize and offer routine and custom material testing services for a wide range of materials and products.

Our Services by Test Type
Practical UV Testing Guide
Sunlight exposure can have harmful impacts on carbon-based
materials such as coatings, polymers, textiles, and many others.
Learn more about our in-laboratory UV testing process in this guide.