Micom offers routine and non-routine material testing for a wide range of materials and products. Whether it is for temperature and humidity cycling, UV testing, paint testing, package testing, or mechanical properties, our experts will be happy to help you develop a meaningful test plan that addresses your needs and provides real answers. With years of specialized technology testing expertise, in-depth experience, and absolute commitment to customer care, our team of experts does more than simply test your products; we strive to deliver outstanding value and responsiveness to our diverse customer base.
Material Testing Services
Micom Laboratories is an A2LA and ISO/IEC 17025 (2017) accredited third-party lab offering comprehensive material testing services and technical consulting in North America for Canadian, Mexican and American manufacturers. We specialize in both physical and mechanical testing and can test your products or materials to a wide range of standards to help you understand how your materials will perform or react under a variety of conditions.
Material Testing Services We Offer
- Mechanical Testing
- Corrosion Testing
- Coating Testing
- Transport Canada
- UV Testing
- Accelerated Aging
What is Material Testing?
Material testing is used to determine the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of materials and product components. Material testing is also used to help predict and improve product durability, field performance, and safety.
Materials testing can be classified into four main groups of materials:
- Polymer
- Ceramics
- Composite
- Metal

Why is Material Testing important?
Material testing offers many benefits and can give a wealth of information about the expected field performance of materials, prototypes or production samples. The information collected from the test results can help ensure the best decisions are made for your product. It can be useful to engineers, designers, quality control, product managers, and other people who help at different stages to design and commercialize a product such as:
- Selecting the best materials and treatments
- Evaluating the design of a product
- Meeting the standards of the industry
- Validating a production process
- Ensuring product safety and performance
- Minimizing risks
- Improving sustainability
Choose Micom for the Most Reliable Results
Micom offers routine and non-routine material testing for a wide range of materials and products. Whether it is for temperature and humidity cycling, UV testing, paint testing, package testing, or mechanical properties, our experts will be happy to help you develop a meaningful test plan that addresses your needs and provides real answers. With years of specialized technology testing expertise, in-depth experience, and absolute commitment to customer care, our team of experts does more than simply test your products; we strive to deliver outstanding value and responsiveness to our diverse customer base.
Material Testing Services for Many Industries
Material testing is essential for many industries. Micom is pleased to offer custom material testing to North American manufacturers to help them in their product development process by identifying potential failures before they occur and establishing their product life expectancy. Industries we serve include:
For these industry segments, our material testing lab offers a range of material testing services from simple mechanical ASTM testing to real life simulations involving computer data acquisition and control. Many of the tests performed are based on in-house proprietary test protocols or modified standards to better suit your needs.
Our material testing facilities are also equipped to test prototypes, simulate intensive use of products & materials either to validate your design or investigate a field failure.
If you have any questions about our material testing services or would like to discuss a particular problem with one of your products, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts will be happy to answer your questions and recommend the appropriate testing conditions as per your needs.