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Micom Laboratories Inc. offers test services for material testing, technical consulting and research and development. Micom specializes in both physical and mechanical testing and can test to the following standards and many others:

Important Standards Writing Organizations Links

The following links will bring you to the standards writing organizations. All of these websites offer large amounts of information on their standards and related topics.  For specific questions, our experts will be happy to guide you in the right direction.

American National Standards
American Society for Testing and
Institutionnal Furniture test
Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)
Consumer Safety Commission (CPSC) CPSC.GOV
Health Products and Food Branch – Health
International Safe Transit
Society of Automotive
Tappi (corrugate)
Transport Canada (Hazardous Materials Regulation)

Looking for a Standardized Answer?


ANSI/BIFMA (American National Institute/Business Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association). This is an industry association that writes performance standards for office furniture in order to provide customers and specifiers a level plain field for furniture performance. Most of the BIFMA standards are performance standards to ensure performance, durability and structural adequacy of furniture found in offices, schools and other institutional environments.

We test to the following ANSI/BIFMA standards:


American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM maintains more than 13000 standards on materials and products to improve or quantify their properties, enhance safety and facilitate trade.

Micom offers a multitude of test services done to the ASTM standards. For more information: ASTM, Material testing,  polymer testing, coating testing.


CPSC stands for Consumer Safety Commission. CPSC is charged with protecting the United States of America public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of the thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. The annual cost to the U.S. consumers in terms of Deaths, injuries, and property damage from product incidents is more than a trillion annually. Please see Juvenile Furniture for more information.


CGSB stands for Canadian General Standards Board. Look up our web site for specific CGSB test procedures. Among others, we can test for vapor barriers, laser printer cartridges, office furniture, latex gloves and paints.


HPB stands for Health Canada’s Health Protection Branch. To a large extent HPB’s mission is the same as it is for the CPSC in the US. Please see Juvenile Furniture for more information.

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